Volunteers are needed for The Audio Visual Team that runs the Power Point presentations on the "Big Screens" at all the Masses. The program is not hard to learn, if you can turn on a light switch, you can learn this Power Point Presentation. We welcome any Parishioner who is willing to help.
High School Students: You can receive Community Service hours if you sign on to help with the Power Point presentations. For more details, please see Deacon Gary.
We are in the process of starting up the Sunday Friends Children’s Ministry Programs once again at both Our Lady of Guadalupe (10:00am Mass) site and Most Precious Blood Church (11:00am Mass) site. If you have a love for children and would like to help, please let Constance Giglio know by sending her an email at dgiglio@dol.ca
Children have a special place in our Lord's heart. What a joy it is to teach the little ones about God's love for them in a way that they can understand!
Every Sunday at Our Lady of Guadalupe 10:00 am Mass ( 3 years and older) and at Most Precious Blood 11:00am Mass, children ages 4-7 are invited to the altar for a special introduction to the Mass. From there, they are led to the Sunday School room, by our dedicated volunteers, for instruction and activities based on the Sunday readings.
The children gather on the altar to help sing the Lord's Prayer and then return to the Sunday School room until the Mass is ended.