Volunteers are needed for The Audio Visual Team that runs the Power Point presentations on the "Big Screens" at all the Masses. The program is not hard to learn, if you can turn on a light switch, you can learn this Power Point Presentation. We welcome any Parishioner who is willing to help.
High School Students: You can receive Community Service hours if you sign on to help with the Power Point presentations. For more details, please see Deacon Gary.
Calling all girls 5 and 6 (SK, gr 1) that are looking for Fun, Friendship and Adventure! Come and join or check out the 81st Windsor Spark Unit Girl Guides of Canada. We meet at Most Precious Blood hall on Saturday mornings from 10 to 11:30am. Meetings are filled with field trips, crafts, camping and gaining many new life skills and friendships. Call Cathy Lamoureux at 519-790-9340 for more information. You can register at www.girlguides.ca