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Click on the link below to access and download a letter from Bishop Fabbro
Ministers are needed to visit shuts-ins in the Our Lady of Guadalupe area on Sunday mornings following the 10am Mass. Time commitment is approximately 1 to 2 hours. If you feel called to this ministry please contact Deacon Gary at 519-945-4133x231 or [email protected]
On February 2023, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops issued the following four pastoral letters on reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. Intended as a framework for local engagement with Indigenous Peoples, the letters are the fruit of many months of listening, encounter, and dialogue with them, including through Listening Circles, the Indigenous Delegation to the Vatican in April 2022, and Pope Francis’ Apostolic Voyage to Canada in July of the same year.
Catholic in Recovery is coming to Ste. Anne’s Church on Tuesdays at 7pm starting November 1st. Catholic in Recovery provides healing from addictions, compulsions, and unhealthy attachments. Meetings combine the spiritual principles of 12-step recovery and the sacraments of the Catholic Church. Join others in recovery as we overlap scripture discussion and prayer. Confidentiality is protected. We welcome those recovering from any addiction, compulsion, or unhealthy attachment:
Alcoholism, Drug addiction, Compulsive overeating, Restricted eating, Lust/pornography addiction, gambling, technology, compulsive spending/debiting, codependency, control, fear, resentment, & grief. For more info call Catherine 519-735-9517 ext 229 or