Hello, from our home to yours. Mal & I hope everyone is staying safe & healthy. We understand this is a very trying time for everyone, but for us, it’s not too bad. We’re retired, so the changes for us are things like missing mass & our church family; seeing our family when ever we want to. We do get to see our kids (from afar) when they drop off groceries or other supplies. Deeply miss our hugs & family get togethers. This is all for the good, because we want to be healthy when things are opened up again. We pray every night for this COVID-19 to be cleared safely away. We pray for those who are ill & those who have lost loved ones & we pray for our priests, Fr. Greg, Fr. David & Fr. Len to stay healthy & safe. We look forward to seeing everyone when this is over. I think we’ll need a celebration of survival when we can. Stay safe & healthy & God Bless everyone.