First, let me start by saying how much I miss my parish family and I can’t wait until we’re all together again. We’ll have to have another BBQ to bring all the parishes together when this is over.
As for me, I am still working every day. I’m able to go into the office while all my co-workers are working from home, so that part of my life is still fairly normal. However, that’s where the normal ends. Before Covid19, I had a very active social life which included various volunteering opportunities as well as different ministries within the church. I used to rush home from work, wolf down my dinner, then leave for one of my activities. Now, I just go home. I’m alone at work, I’m alone at home.
The first few weeks I was pretty good about getting out for walks when I could and say the rosary while walking. But with the weather so up and down, I easily got into a slump and now I don’t have much energy or ambition to do so anymore. And I’ve been eating a lot of comfort foods which hasn’t exactly been great for the waistline, LOL!
I’ve been struggling with anxiety, as I’m sure many of you are. If I didn’t have my faith, I don’t know what I would do. On Sunday’s, I watch Mass on TV and enjoy Spiritual Communion (can’t wait for the real thing though). Every night I pray either a rosary or a Divine Mercy chaplet (or both) as well as the litany that Fr Greg shared with us back in March.
As for my family, I am single and live alone. I don’t have a personal computer at so I’m not able to Skype or do any of the virtual games I hear others are doing. However, my siblings have been scheduling more personal visits – just for an hour in their garage or backyard, or on my porch – nothing longer than an hour because we can’t share bathrooms just yet, LOL! So I’m blessed in that respect.
In closing, I’d just like to say how grateful I am for my parish family and the connection we have via Facebook. Thank you for keeping us all connected. God bless you all and hope to see you in church soon!