Dear brothers and sisters of North Central Windsor Catholic Family of Parishes. I pray that you are all keeping well during this very difficult time of the COVID 19 virus. My name is Cheryl Boily and I am a parishioner of Most Precious Blood. I am a young widow and live alone and this pandemic has been very trying for me at times but I am staying strong in my Faith. I am active in the parish and I am a people person... so I miss everyone very much!!!! I keep very busy as I am fortunate to be able to work from home. I also have kept busy with my home, yard work and long daily walks. I have a special place in my heart for the under privileged of our society and I have kept busy organizing food drives and donating to the homeless shelters. We have so many people hurting and in need in our community and it breaks my heart. I have been praying for this pandemic to end and for healing and comfort to all who are grieving the loss of a loved one. We must continue to pray for our elderly, essential workers and front line staff who put themselves at risk everyday for all of us. It’s been a blessing to be able to watch online masses and to pray the Rosary daily. Both of these have afforded me more prayer time and has brought me a sense of peace. For all of us, so many things have changed.... no masses, no Eucharist, no family visits and friends. My Father is in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s and it has been particularly difficult to not be able to visit him, although he is doing well!! My son Kevin has recently come home to stay with me for a short period of time and I am very grateful for the blessing of having him home with me. I must say that as much as I thought I appreciated all that God has blessed me with in my life... I find myself even more appreciative than before this pandemic. My thoughts and prayers are that through this pandemic hearts have been changed and that we as a people show more LOVE and KINDNESS to each other. God Bless our parish priests and all our parish family.
“There is an ache in every human being for love, for union, for affirmation, for life and joy that God and only God can fulfill” by Christopher West, Dynamic Catholic.